truck concept

6 Upgrades to Make Your Truck Ready for Adventure

For millions of SUV and truck owners, there’s hardly anything that could compare to the natural high they get when they’re out in some off-the-beaten-tracks and figuring out how best to navigate the next muddy bend en route to their destination, wherever that may be.

If you own a pickup truck yourself, you can probably relate to the idea. Well, who can blame you guys, really?

With the humdrum and stress of daily life taking its toll on people’s mental and physical health, there are times when a quick trip to a secluded site aboard your rugged truck is what you need to hit the reset button and go on with life with a renewed vigor.

If you’re considering your options on which items to get to upgrade your truck’s ability to take on beatings out in the wild, here are six items you should include in your shopping list:

Heavy-duty off-road tires

Your truck’s tires are responsible for giving your vehicle ample traction on muddied roads and steep trails, so you can proceed to your destination safely. As such, it’s critical to ensure that your truck is fitted with the right type of off-road tires to ensure that you won’t find yourself in a literal deep hole in the middle of nowhere.

When shopping for tires to fit your vehicle with, be sure to check their stress rating, tread lugs, and tread type. You can ask fellow off-road enthusiasts for recommendations on the exact specifications to know which tires would offer the performance improvement you need to tackle challenging terrains well. A blown tire is one of the last things you’ll need when your miles away from the nearest paved road, so be sure to choose well.

A rugged truck shell

If you intend to go out on an outdoor adventure during foul weather, then you should equip your truck with a rugged shell to weatherproof it properly. A quick visit to a local showroom with some nice and sturdy camper shells on display will give you a clear idea of the right one for your truck.

Different shells offer unique features and benefits, so it’s best to ask questions about them. With a great shell installed on your truck, you can securely load all your off-road essentials and even turn the truck into your temporary bed during bad weather.

Given the essential and varied uses of a camper shell, you should also give it much thought to be 100 percent certain you’re getting the perfect one for your prized truck.

Off-road suspension set

Your truck’s factory suspension may feel like heaven on paved roads, but you can’t expect the same buttery-smooth performance when you’re already on rugged terrains. As such, you should soon invest in an excellent-quality aftermarket suspension kit that’s specifically designed for off-roading requirements.

With an installed off-road-worthy suspension system, your truck will have better navigation performance on rocky, muddy, and steep terrains. It may cost quite a handsome price tag, but the performance upgrade it can offer will surely pay for itself once you’re stepping on the gas to navigate the next tough corner.

Skid plate

If you love heading out to terrains with plenty of rocks, gravel, tree stumps, and similar obstacles, you run the risk of damaging your drive train, engine pan, and radiator. You can prevent any potential catastrophe due to stray off-road projectiles by investing in a sturdy skid plate.

This money-wise upgrade will act as your truck’s underbelly armor to help avoid costly damages to sensitive components such as the ones mentioned above. Aside from its utilitarian function, a skid plate can also give your truck some plus points in the looks department, so it’s definitely a great investment to make.

Heavy-duty winch

truck concept

Aside from your tires, a winch is another feature that will help you pull out a stuck wheel or two. There are plenty of aftermarket winches that you may choose from depending on your budget and performance needs. You may pick between an electric winch and a hydraulic winch whichever suits your performance requirements and cash on hand.

No matter which type of winch you go for, it’s an investment that worth making to give your truck added off-roading muscle.

High-powered light bars

You can never tell when you’ll find yourself trying to navigate a pitch-black terrain when you’re enjoying yourself outdoors. As such, you should get some high-powered light bars that could let you drive around challenging trails at night. Seeing clearly under such conditions can be a lifesaver, especially if there are ravines or crevices along the route.

By having these upgrades, your truck will surely become a more reliable performance off the road. Be sure to get them soon so you can confidently head out to any outdoor adventure aboard your trusty truck.

The Author

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