two friends riding a bike

Hybrid Electric Bike: Everything You Need To Know

If you’re considering buying a hybrid electric bike, you’re in the right place! This article covers everything you need to know about hybrid e-bikes – from the different types and how they function to what to look for when buying an electric bike. Let’s take a closer look at how these bikes work, the types available, and the advantages of using one.

What Is A Hybrid Electric Bike?

woman and a bike

A hybrid electric bike is fitted out with a traditional pedal system and an electric motor. So, these innovative bikes combine aspects of traditional bicycles with cutting-edge technology to provide riders with an effortless ride. They can be powered by electricity and pedaling, making them ideal for long-distance rides or those who want to go faster without having to exert too much physical effort.

The electric motor is powered by a rechargeable battery and assists the rider’s pedaling, making it easier to ride uphill, against headwinds, or over long distances. The electric motor can be activated through a throttle or a sensor that detects the rider’s pedaling cadence.

So, e-bikes are a type of bicycle that combine the benefits of traditional pedal-powered bikes with the assistance of an electric motor. They offer a convenient, eco-friendly way to commute, exercise, and explore the great outdoors.

Types of Hybrid Electric Bikes

There are two main types of hybrid electric bikes: pedal-assist hybrid electric bikes and power-on-demand hybrid electric bikes.

Pedal-assist hybrid electric bikes

Also known as pedelecs, they provide a power boost while the rider pedals, allowing them to increase their range and speed with less effort. The electric motor is activated when the rider starts pedaling and provides varying levels of assistance depending on the selected mode. The rider can choose to pedal without assistance or use one of several assistance levels to make riding easier.

Pedal-assist hybrid electric bikes are great for city commuters and recreational riders who want to travel farther distances with less effort. They offer an extra boost when needed but still require the rider to pedal like a regular bicycle.

Power-on-demand hybrid electric bikes

They are known as throttle-assisted e-bikes, assisting the rider’s pedaling through a throttle. The rider can activate the electric motor by simply twisting the throttle, much like a motorcycle. This type of e-bike is ideal for riders who want maximum power and control over their ride.

These electric bikes have no manual pedaling involved; instead, they are used like traditional mopeds or scooters and are activated by a throttle. Power-on-demand hybrid electric bikes make it easy for anyone to get around short distances quickly, with no pedaling required.

How Does A Hybrid Electric Bike Work?


An electric hybrid bike uses an electric motor and battery to provide supplemental power when you need it, allowing you to ride farther and faster with less effort. But how exactly does it work?

Components of a Hybrid Electric Bike

At the core of every hybrid electric bike are four main components: the battery, the motor, the controller, and the pedal sensor.

  • Battery: The battery is the fundamental element of an e-bike. It is charged with electrical energy to power the electric engine. The battery can be removable or integrated into the frame of the bike. Most e-bikes use lithium-ion batteries because they are light and hold more power.
  • Motor: The electric motor is the power source that assists the rider’s pedaling and drives the bike’s wheels. It is usually fixed on the front or rear wheel hub or the bike’s bottom bracket. It turns the power from the battery into motion that propels you forward. Motors are rated by their wattage, with higher-wattage motors providing more power.
  • Controller: The controller acts like a switch between the battery and the motor, regulating the flow of electricity so that it’s neither too slow nor too fast. It regulates the amount of power delivered to the motor based on input from the pedal sensor. The controller also manages the battery’s charge and monitors the system for faults.
  • Pedal sensor: The pedal sensor measures how quickly you are pedaling. It detects the rider’s pedaling cadence and senses when it is necessary to activate the motor. The signal tells the motor when to kick in and provide additional power. The sensor is positioned in the bottom bracket, the rear hub, or the crankset.

Functioning of a Hybrid Electric Bike

As mentioned, an electric bike hybrid has two modes, pedal-assist and power-on-demand.  With two different modes to choose from, you can customize your riding experience by selecting the power that suits you best.

Pedal-assist mode allows riders to choose how much power they want from their motor, depending on the terrain. Thus, riders can enjoy the benefits of cycling while having a motor to help with hills and other difficult terrains. The amount of power can be adjusted depending on your riding style/needs and terrain, making it easy for beginners or experienced cyclists alike to get around with ease.

Power-on-demand mode allows riders to select the desired level of power they want from their motor and go. This helps to make longer journeys or rugged terrains easier to manage. The bike will provide a boost of power when you need it, for instance, going up a hill, so that you can get where you want faster and with less effort than cycling without the assistance of an electric bike.

Hybrid Electric Bike Vs. Mountain Bike

If you are looking to buy a new bike, you may be deciding between a hybrid electric bike or a mountain bike. Here, we will discuss the distinctions between them and the advantages of using a hybrid electric bike over a mountain bike. The following are three major differences between these types of bikes:

  • Motor and battery
  • Weight
  • Terrain Capabilities

When it comes to motors and batteries, a hybrid electric bike has a motor and battery installed, while your traditional mountain bike does not. This means that on an electric bike, you can get assistance when pedaling, making it easier to ride up hills or take longer rides with less effort. The battery will also need to be recharged at some point, so you should consider how often and long your rides will be when making a decision.

The weight is a crucial difference between these bikes. A hybrid electric bike with all its components usually weighs around 40 pounds, whereas an average mountain bike weighs about 25-30 pounds. This may make maneuvering an electric hybrid bike more of a challenge and can be important to consider if you need to carry your bike in any way.

When it comes to terrain capabilities, a mountain bike is designed for rugged terrains like dirt trails and mountains. So if you are interested in buying a dirt bike, the mountain bike might be a better choice. On the other hand, an electric hybrid bike has wider tires and suspension systems to absorb shocks and provide stability, so it can handle more varied terrain like paved roads or city streets.

However, electric bikes are not typically able to handle extremely rough terrain and should be used primarily on flat surfaces or light hills. While they can handle some light off-road terrain, they are not as capable as mountain bikes on rough terrain.

Advantages of a Hybrid Electric Bike Over a Mountain Bike

Despite the differences between hybrid electric bikes and mountain bikes, hybrid electric bikes offer several advantages over mountain bikes. An obvious advantage of a hybrid electric bike over a mountain bike is that it can help make longer rides easier due to its motorized assistance feature. This means you can get further without having to expend as much energy compared to riding with just your power.

Hybrid electric bikes are also suitable for commuting and can be used to travel longer distances than mountain bikes. Electric bikes also tend to have more accessories, such as lights and fenders, making them a great all-in-one option for daily commuting or recreational riders who want the convenience of extra items without having to purchase them separately. Additionally, hybrid electric bikes are more environmentally friendly than mountain bikes, producing fewer carbon emissions.

Things To Consider While Buying An Electric Bike

clean bike

If you are a motorbike lover, you probably know what to consider when buying a scout motorcycle, but what about electric bikes? If you’re looking to buy an electric bike, you need to consider several factors:

Purpose of buying an electric bike: Do you need a commuter bike for your daily rides to the office? Or are you looking for an e-bike with power and range to take on longer trips? For instance, if you plan on using your e-bike for long rides, you may want to get a bike with a larger battery range.

Budget: Electric bikes come in a wide range of prices, so you’ll need to set your budget first. The price of an electric bike varies according to the brand, features, and quality of the bike.

Battery range: If you intend on using the bike for regular commuting or leisurely rides around town, then an e-bike with a shorter run time would suffice. But if you have longer trips or recreational adventures on your mind, you’ll need a bike with a greater range.

Motor power: If you choose a more powerful motor, it will be easier to ride uphill or against strong winds, but it will drain the battery faster. When choosing the motor power, it is necessary to take into account the terrain you’ll be riding on and your personal preferences.

Frame material: The frame material of an electric bike affects its weight, durability, and ride quality. Aluminum and carbon fiber are the most desirable materials in e-bikes. Aluminum is lightweight and durable, making it a popular choice for electric bikes. Carbon fiber is even lighter than aluminum but can be more expensive.

Additional features: Electric bikes come with various additional features, such as suspension, lights, fenders, and racks. They serve to make your ride more enjoyable and convenient.

10 Effective Tips While Riding An Hybrid Electric Bike

Read on for 10 effective tips on how to ride your hybrid electric bike safely!

  1. Wear a helmet: You know that you should wear a helmet when riding 4 wheel quad bikes, but the same goes for e-bikes! So make sure you wear an approved helmet every time you ride.
  1. Know the rules of the road: This includes understanding the different traffic signs and signals, as well as the speed limits for your area.
  1. Keep the battery charged: Make sure you charge up before every journey and check that no cables or wires are coming loose, as they can be dangerous while riding.
  2. Pedal consistently: When cycling on a hybrid electric bike, try not to start and stop pedaling too frequently. This can cause unnecessary strain on the motor and battery.
  1. Use the right gear: Make sure you’re using the correct gear for your ride – whether that be low or high power – as this can help to save on battery life and make your journey more efficient.
  1. Be aware of your surroundings: Riding a hybrid electric bike means you can move quickly, so it’s vital to stay alert at all times while out riding to avoid any potential hazards, such as potholes or other cyclists, ahead of you.
  1. Stay hydrated: Dehydration can lead to fatigue and dizziness, both of which reduce your ability to concentrate while cycling.
  1. Get regular maintenance: This includes tuning up the motor and checking brakes, tires, and lights – all of which can help prevent accidents or other mishaps while out riding.
  1. Don’t overload the bike: Overloading your hybrid electric bike is dangerous and puts unnecessary strain on the motor and battery. Make sure you don’t carry any additional weight beyond what your bike is designed to handle.
  1. Practice, practice, practice: As with anything new, it takes time to get used to riding a hybrid electric bike, so make sure you spend some time practicing before heading off into traffic or taking long rides.


Hybrid electric bikes combine the power of both traditional and electric motors to provide you with an enjoyable biking experience that allows for greater speeds and longer rides than ever before. With the right bike and proper maintenance, you can get the most out of your hybrid electric bike. From increasing your speed while commuting to taking advantage of off-road trails, you can use your hybrid electric bike in many ways that weren’t available before.


1) Are hybrid electric bikes worth buying?

Hybrid electric bikes are certainly worth buying for anyone looking for an eco-friendly, efficient, and flexible mode of transportation. They offer the best of both worlds, combining the benefits of traditional bicycles with the assistance of an electric motor.

2) What is the difference between an e-bike and a hybrid e-bike?

E-bikes typically have a throttle that allows riders to control the amount of assistance they receive, while hybrid e-bikes have sensors that detect the rider’s pedal cadence and automatically adjust the assistance level accordingly.

3) Do hybrid bikes charge when you pedal?

Yes, they do. The electric motor on a hybrid bike is designed to capture the kinetic energy produced by pedaling and convert it into electrical energy, which is then stored in the bike’s battery. This allows you to extend the range of your bike without having to rely solely on the electric motor.

4) How long does a battery last on an e-bike?

Battery life depends on size, engine power, terrain, and weather conditions. On average, most e-bike batteries can last anywhere from 20 to 60 miles on a single charge, although some high-end models can last up to 100 miles.

5) Should I leave my e-bike battery plugged in all the time?

You can leave the battery plugged in all the time, as most modern e-bikes have built-in systems that prevent overcharging. However, it is best to unplug the battery once it is charged to avoid unnecessarily stressing the battery cells.

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