The Waterloo Boy Restoration Project
Phase 8 - Mar. 7, '98 to Apr. 7, '98
Here, for the first time, the unpainted cart hardware, unfinished wood and engine are pieced together to allow measurements for brackets to be made for the gas tank and to locate a mounting location for the Motsinger Auto-Sparker dynamo. Typical of projects such as this, unexpected changes of plans can arise. Due to the placement of the gas tank per the original location used by Waterloo on their carts, the Motsinger will not have room to be mounted for use with this engine. On the bright side, since the engine was mounted to a good stable frame during this measurement, a makeshift battery and coil were connected, some gasoline was piped to the carburetor and the engine was successfully started and run for the first time.

After more than 5 months of work, the finished restoration is now ready for the show season!