The Mery Explosive Engine Kit Project - Phase 4
While designing the display table, I had left room behind the engine for any possible future “attachments” that might be powered by the Mery. At the time, I had sketched up the idea of some type of generator and light setup with the idea of eventually adding these to the display. Nearly two years later, I finally set about to complete these parts, and the following photos show the process and results.

All engine machining – 573 Hours (actual cutting time, does not include any setup time)
Chassis/pedestal fabrication – 280 Hours
Display design and fabrication – 422 Hours
Generator, light post and electrical conduit fabrication – 145 Hours
Grand Total:
1420 Hours
(Over a 15 month period.)
Basic project completed January 11, 2005 with the Generator / Light being added September, 2007