new homeowners

6 Ways to Turn Your Relocation Into an Adventure

You’ve already bought the house. You’ve already secured a job. The kids’ schools are just waiting for them. And the residential moving company has all the dates and addresses they need. Everything seems to be in order. The only problem is that your family doesn’t want to leave.

Relocating can be such a drag. The kids will give complain to you about taking them away from their friends. Your spouse might seem supportive and understanding, but you still feel guilty for putting your family in a situation that needs an adjustment as big as this. And to top it all off, moving is too stressful. Everything is just tiring, from convincing the family that it will be great to pack stuff you know you’ll never use just because of their sentimental value.

But what if there’s a way to make everything better? What if you can turn that long depressing drive into an adventure? Here are the six tips you should definitely follow if you want to turn your depressing relocation into an epic family adventure that will not only lighten the mood but will also help you convince your family that the new place might not be so bad after all.

Planning the Move as a Family


One of the biggest problems parents face when they need to relocate is how their kids take the news. Give all your family ample time to process everything by telling them months before you move.

You can even make it better by showing them the pictures and layout of the next house. Encourage them to design their own rooms and other specific parts of the house to make them feel more involved in the decision.

Pack Smart

This is one of the most time-consuming and tiring parts of the move. But it doesn’t really have to be. You just have to pack smart. Start a garage sale and make it a competition. The mechanics are simple. The person in the household who sells the highest number of things gets to keep half of the overall earnings. That will surely get their drive up and, at the same time, help you lessen the things you need to pack.

Another solid competition idea is a contest of box decorations. The person with the best-decorated box wins. You can even invite friends over to help you out. And not just your adult friends, invite the friends of all the family members. Setting an environment where the kids see that you will also equally miss your crowd can improve their compassion towards you and your partner.

Make It a Vacation

Since you’re literally going to change scenes abruptly, it would be better if you could enjoy the scenery while you’re at it. Instead of having just one day to change your lives, ease into it by making it at least a week of vacation instead. Having to change schools in the middle of the year sounds traumatic. Having a special summer vacation in between classes makes it enticing.

Book at least two reservations in different places en route to your new residence. Accommodations with a swimming pool are a must for both the kids and your relaxation. It would be better for your partner if you could meet as many old friends and relatives as you can along the way. That might give the new place a different shine.

Don’t Forget the Music

Time spent on the road doesn’t have to feel dreadful as well. To make the move feel more like a road trip, ask each family member to create a playlist and play their songs at intervals.  You can also play games on the road like Guess the Lyrics and Name That Tune, with the power to control the playlist as the prize.

Make It an Instaworthy Trip

If you’re going across state lines, you better not miss the photography opportunities during your drive. Taking pictures of the most beautiful and popular scenic spots and tourist attractions will always lift the spirits of everyone up. But to make it even more interesting, do your research ahead of time, print the online pictures of said places before you leave, and recreate them along the way.


A house, no matter the beauty and size, cannot easily become a home. The first few days living in a new house can be the most difficult time for the family. Make sure you are together to get past it by having a staycation for a week or so. Give yourself and your family the chance to feel the house first. Make it a celebration and invite some people over. The most important thing to remember is that even if you’re in a different place, what matters most is that you’re all still together.

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